Globally, healthcare systems are facing major challenges with our world in the midst of an epidemic of preventable lifestyle diseases. Consequently, even though life expectancy has increased, health expectancy, living in good health, is decreasing.

DNA testing for genes that express significant medical diseases have been available for over a decade. As technology improves the cost of accessing your DNA information has become more affordable. Until recently, genetic information on the drivers of lifestyle disease was devoid of solutions and remained in the hands of academics and researchers. Over the last few years scientists have expanded genetic knowledge to provide information on how we can change the expression of genes to maximise their benefits within an individual. In other words, your genes are not your destiny.
We know that lifestyle choices that alter gene expression account for over 80% of the diseases that are statistically likely to kill us as we age.
Dementia is now the Number #1 killer of women, followed by heart disease and stroke then chronic lung disease and lung cancer. Inflammation drive all of these medical labels. The body’s efficient ability to detoxify and ‘clean’ cells underpins cancer resilience.
Rather than diagnose disease, this testing shows areas of vulnerability that need more attention as we age. We now have access to DNA analysis to check how you scored in the genetic lottery of life by looking at gene clusters that drive these lifestyle diseases.
These ‘gene clusters’ looks at your genetic vulnerability in the following key wellness areas:
Cellular detoxification
Vitamin D pathways
Methylation Pathways and cardiovascular health
Fat and metabolism
Hormone processing
Mood and cognitive function
One of my special interests is to use DNA tools to provide a personalised health and wellbeing reports. These become the foundation for personalised and targeted programs that can support health goals, provide better information on exercise strategies and rationalise supplements that can support wellbeing.
The companies that we use understand the importance of privacy and data protection and they manage subject data to maximise security. Genetic data are stored in secure electronic databases. Fitgenes and Bioceuticals utilize best-practice methods and mechanisms such as firewalls, encryption, intrusion monitoring, and passwords to protect electronic information such as patient information and testing data. Multiple physical security methods such as locking devices and 24-hour premise monitoring are also employed.