Curious to know whether the choices you make in daily life increase your risk of cancer and diseases like cardiovascular disease, dementia, Parkinson’s, autoimmune disease and fertility problems?

The following questions focus on the potential exposure we have with the multiple chemicals and ionizing radiation existing in our life.
To understand the importance of reducing environmental toxic burden read our article on epigenetics, which explains how the genes you inherited from your parents can interact with the environment to either support or sabotage health.
This audit is best used as a baseline to judge your improved lifestyle options and reduced chemical burden as you embark your health journey.
Take the Toxic Audit Test now!...
Do you live on a main road?
Do you live under the flight path of an airport?
What percentage of your week do you spend indoors? More than 4 days? Add one point.
Do you have a computer monitor on your desk at work?
Do you own a mobile phone?
Do you often drive a car or take public transport?
Do you fly in an airplane more than twice per year?
Have you purchased a brand new car within the last twelve months?
Do more than half of the rooms in your home have wall-to-wall carpeting?
Do you have vinyl flooring in the kitchen or bathroom?
Do any rooms in your house have wallpaper?
Do you have a vinyl (plastic) shower curtain?
On average do you watch television more than 10 hours per week?
On average do use a computer more than 10 hours per week?
Is your mattress treated with a soil or stain-protectant?
Do you use perfumed air fresheners at home or in your car?
Do you have pressed-wood furniture (usually assemble-yourself items) in your home or office?
Do you smoke?
Do you allow smoking in your house?
Do you wrap or cover leftovers and other items in the refrigerator with plastic wrap?
Do you eat deep fried food, potato chips or french fries more than once a month?
Do you cook with non-stick pots or frying pans?
Do you drink town water (chlorinated water) straight from the tap?
Do you re-use plastic water bottles?
Do you keep cheese or meat wrapped in plastic?
Do you eat tinned food (canned tuna, fruit etc.) more than twice a week?
Do you microwave food or drinks in plastic containers or with a plastic-wrap covering?
Do you have ant or cockroach baits in the house?
Do you use hairspray, mousse or hair gel?
Do you use perfume or cologne?
Do you use spray deodorant?
Do your moisturizers or body lotions contain parabens (read the label)?
Do you have weekly contact with plastic or vinyl toys?
Do you use kitchen bench sprays?
Are insect sprays used in your home?
Has your home had a termite or pest treatment in the last 5 years?
Have your carpets been professionally cleaned in the last 12 months?
Do you use dry-cleaning agents in your job?
Do you work in the nail or hairdressing industry?
Do you work in the car industry?
Have you ever worked hands on in dentistry (with mercury) or jewellery-making?
Do you work with farm or garden sprays, chemicals or pesticides?
Score yourself
Score 1 point for every YES answer
Subtract 5 points if around half of the food you eat is organically farmed.
Subtract 10 points if more than 80 percent of your food is organically sourced.
Subtract 5 points if your personal care items (shampoo, conditioner and skincare) are organically certified.
What was your final score?
Zero to 5: You have a clean lifestyle and a low risk for environmental health challenges. Congratulations for making great choices for you and your family!
6-10: Doing better than average, but some improvements may make a difference to health in the future.
10-20: Some effort now may mean that you dodge that disease bullet.
20+: Come on – lets do some work to reduce the chance of spending a lot of time in doctor’s waiting rooms in the future. There is no better time to start than NOW!